Friday, September 19, 2014

Compilation till date

Well, this is a postdated update on what we had gone thru since leaving SG n arriving at USA for my studies

To summarise, its not an easy feat, considering we had to:

1)Lug along our 6x luggages + 3x bags
2) Deal with the long flight to San Fran ( yes, my dear son vomited on the plane 😨)
3) move to BOQ accomm , then to hilton (due to some admin mishap)
4) "zong" ard for car, housing, daily essentials
5) adjusting to the ang mo lifestyle
Etc etc .....

Great thanks to my frens n coursemates for the inter-support n camaraderie ... all these really helped to pull us thru

N special appreciation to GY n family for having their beautiful daughter to accompany my son as a playmate

Thanks !!! 😀

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