Monday, November 28, 2016

Trip to korea n hongkong - day 3 - walk around dongdaemun

Today everyone woke up kinda late .

After having inhouse lunch , we set off for  dongdaemun , towards toy street

Toy street was kinda boring. . Basically lotsa made-in-china toys but at relatively high prices . But at least managed to spot a shop offering vintage stuff , n bought some gundam stuff at only 7900 won
Jerine n liam bought some toys n household stuff as well

After toy street we walked ard dongdaemun .. stopped by this holly coffee cafe for a rest . Food was quite good but kinda expensive

After dongdaemun, we made our way to hongdae .. jerine bought a mcm black bag at ard 590k won .. we then met up with aiting n went to kakao friends shop to buy some stuff n grab some free balloons

Dinner was soya sauce chicken at anoth3r outlet .. which we subsequently made our way back

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