Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Trip to korea n hongkong - day 5- going to lotte world

Went to lotte world today .. liam really enjoyed himself with the rides.. we took a mock air balloon, splashed down in a raft , n did a number of kiddy rides.
Jerine was bold enough to take the gyro drop ..haha

Dinner was at this bbq meat buffet place .. totalled ard 28k won for 3 of us which was quite cheap

Trip to korea n hongkong - day 6 - going to palace area n insadong

Woke up real late today .. after lazing ard , set off for palace area . Before that we grabbed a sandwich at this isaac eatery n had japanese rice at a nearby eatery

By the time we reached the palace area it was almost closed . But at the same time we witnessed the protest that was ongoing .. interesting sight with tonnes of policemen ard

Night time went insadong .. it was a touristy place , where we had dinner at a korean restaurant.

After dinner we went to a supermarket place , then took a cab home

Monday, November 28, 2016

Trip to korea n hongkong - day 4 - going to sinsa

Today was kinda a slow day

After waking up late, we had porridge for lunch... then lazed ard before deciding to go to sinsa area

This sinsa area was a street lined with cafes n boutique shops . We had teabreak at a cafe , waffles n coffee ... then walked ard

Evening time , we returned to hongdae area , bought kfc n had dinner at home (while aiting ordered korean fried chicken)

Trip to korea n hongkong - day 3 - walk around dongdaemun

Today everyone woke up kinda late .

After having inhouse lunch , we set off for  dongdaemun , towards toy street

Toy street was kinda boring. . Basically lotsa made-in-china toys but at relatively high prices . But at least managed to spot a shop offering vintage stuff , n bought some gundam stuff at only 7900 won
Jerine n liam bought some toys n household stuff as well

After toy street we walked ard dongdaemun .. stopped by this holly coffee cafe for a rest . Food was quite good but kinda expensive

After dongdaemun, we made our way to hongdae .. jerine bought a mcm black bag at ard 590k won .. we then met up with aiting n went to kakao friends shop to buy some stuff n grab some free balloons

Dinner was soya sauce chicken at anoth3r outlet .. which we subsequently made our way back

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Trip to korea n hongkong - day 2 - walk around

After aiting picked us up , we made our way to her place ... which was kinda exhausting as it was an upslope n we were lugging 3 luggages

We took some time to settle in , n also had a nap , since we din sleep too well on the plane .

After our rest we set off .. n realised that it was snowing ! Wat a beautiful sight as we took videos n pics

Our stop was at myeongdong where we proceeded to change money

This was followed by lunch , where we shared a wok of soya sauce chicken mishmashed with other veges n flourbased products

While proceeding up the restaurant,  liam had a trip n fall , n hit his lower chin area .. he cried n cried but managed to sooth him down .

After lunch we had a 32cm tall icecream dessert .
Then walked ard, had some street snacks .. walked ard somemore

For dinner , we shared this wok of chicken soup which was good . The unique part was at the end of it , we ordered porridge , where the attendant poured in rice, egg n seaweed n used the remnants of the soup to prepare congee..  which was delicious as the rice grains had absorbed the soup essence

We then proceeded on an approx 15 min walk  back home ..