Saturday, November 28, 2015

Bangkok trip day 2 (28 nov)

Today we first went to chatuchak market .. as it was a saturday, tonnes of ppl n traffic ard. We tried to flag a cab n tuktuk but to no avail .. in the end took the train

Standard , chatuchak was hot with loads of ppl , but at least not searing hot like san jose flea market ... lotsa ppl.. we did the usual shopping for bags, food, clothes .
Had coconut icecream twice , n lunch was phad thai n soup noodles at an eatery

After chatuchak,  returned to hotel for short rest before going to tarad rod fai, aka train market . This was kinda challenging as never been there before, so travel was kinda based on chance. In the end took train n taxi .

Rod fai seemed kinda like a hippie holland v style kinda place ..with lotsa pubs n eateries .. after passing thru these, entered into the night market zone .
Standard market fare - lotsa street food, stores retailing clothes n stuff ..

Highlight was i stumbled upon a toy shop offering boxed megadrives .. more on tat separately .
Food wise was also an  experience - we had fried squid for 50 baht, big cup iced coffee for ard 30, n duck noodles at 50 per bowl ..
Upon exiting the area, we bought 2x nice arty looking clocks for ard 750baht

Very tired..went back to hotel in a cab ..

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