Sunday, November 30, 2014

Dinner at edwin prom king place

Had waffer , ice cream plus leftovers frm
  Phils fish market .. n ice cream cake (for vivienne's bday celeb)

Group photo @ Phils fish market

Phils fish market

Phils fish market

Long long queue..but progressively moving

Birthday lunch at phils fish market

It was viviennes birthday..the group had lunch at phils fish market .. ambience n food were nice :)

Friday, November 28, 2014

Super 8 breakfast corner

Our super 8 motel stay

Shower wasnt working 😨
Luckily only 1 night stay

Some sights and sounds of black friday at gilroy

Stopover at macdonalds

Resupply of food before returning to shop !

Black Friday Chiong!!!@ gilroy

Did our inaugural shopping "chiong" at gilroy premium outlets ... arrived at ard 3 plus to check into super 8 motel ..then gathered with the hosay rest + guangyang n family at macdonalds ..before chionging to the stores

Kate spade ..adidas.. corningware.. ..
Even made our way to walmart

Shopped shopped all the way till 2 plus am !! Of course poor liam had to endure along with us

Overall it was an interesting n of courde satisfying experience!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Son's Dancing Feet

To the tune of hi 5!

Self writing of name

Nice Liam !!!

Tv shifting to living room

Hooked up the tv to the laptop so tat liam can view his youtube videos without straining his eyesight

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Snacking away on kettle chipz

Fried noodles for lunch

Prepped by jerine- nice!
With seafood inclusive

Del monte lunch n shopping - 21 nov 14

Ate at yama sushi
Did some shopping n recce for upcoming black friday at del monte

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

while awaiting car repair 17 nov 14

Some more pics of scenery

while awaiting car repair 17 nov 14

Squatting at seaside macdonalds  while awaiting car repair .. n subsequently walking 20 min back to the workshop
Took some scenery pics along the way

Car repair -$950

Incurred $950 on monday 17 nov , to resolve the rattling sound in the car .. turned out it was a design flaw of the driveshaft coupling , where the rubber lining was thin n had worn off , resulting in the shaft being insecure

Got it settled at this car workshop - C,C repairs

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Friday, November 14, 2014

Sumptuous saturday lunch

Yong tau foo soup n braised pork

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Commissary trip

Picked up some groceries today at the commissary

Family card game nights

3 of us playing our routine disney pixar card game
Tonight liam's the winner again!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Running tracker

Started using the nike running app 1+ week back managed to clock 10km !

Calista n liam having lunch together

Having lunch together at our place

Kinderjam monday

"Twody tops ..twody tops " ... children having fun at kinderjam monday